Taking off again after injury

WIR IM SPORT 06.2022
Magazine of the Landessportbund NRW

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It is one of the greatest fears for athletes: an injury occurs in the middle of an important competition. A tear of the anterior cruciate ligament or meniscus is one of the typical sports injuries of the knee joint. The consequence: the athlete is out of action for a long time.

How quickly the affected person is fit again depends on the type of injury and the subsequent treatment. Is "only" the cruciate ligament torn? Or was the meniscus also damaged? A tear of the anterior cruciate ligament is surgically replaced by a tendon of the thigh. To avoid increased strain on the operated leg afterwards, the affected person should walk on forearm crutches for two to four weeks. If the meniscus is also torn, it is usually sutured. In addition, the patient must wear a knee joint orthosis for six weeks. If only the meniscus is damaged and the cruciate ligament is intact, either the affected portion is removed or sutured. It should be noted that after a partial meniscus removal alone, there is only a restriction for two weeks, but with a meniscus suture, there is a restriction for six weeks. The surgical method depends on the shape of the tear and the tissue quality
of the meniscus.

Physiotherapy already begins during the hospital stay. In close coordination with the attending physicians, the physiotherapists at the Hellersen Sports Clinic promote mobility until the day of discharge and show the patient exercises for the period between hospitalization and the start of further outpatient rehabilitation. Individually adapted to the operation, the patient and his performance level

Returning to sports after surgery

After an anterior cruciate ligament injury, recreational and amateur athletes must refrain from sports such as soccer and handball for six to nine months. Professional athletes can occasionally play again earlier due to the physical conditions and more intensive care. Cycling is usually possible from six weeks, jogging after twelve. The basic rule is to return to physical activity in an adapted and gradual manner.

In order to regain full athletic capacity, rehabilitation training consisting of strength training, coordination and stability exercises with dynamics and agility adapted to competition is necessary. The gradual reconstruction prevents re-injuries, because "your own cruciate ligament is the best".