Conservative orthopedics

Dr. med. Stefan Nolte

Chief of

Conservative Orthopedics

    In conservative orthopedics, our specialists treat your complaints and pain in the back and spine non-surgically. The spectrum ranges from the classic herniated disc (lumbar disc - lumbar spine - and cervical disc - cervical spine) to lumbago and sciatic pain to spinal stenosis, problems of the cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine, as well as scoliosis.

    Back specialists use specialized injection therapies, osteopathic techniques and pain medicine procedures to relieve your pain and restore your back health. Detailed diagnosis and education precede every treatment.

    Treatment focus

    • Conservative treatments of disc-related and degenerative spinal disorders such as sciatica, etc.
    • Injection treatments on various structures of the musculoskeletal system, e.g. facet joints, sacroiliac joints, fascia structures, trigger point therapy, so-called sclerotherapy, etc.
    • Osteoporosis therapy
    • Various physiotherapeutic procedures, osteopathic techniques such as fascia treatments
    • Natural healing methods such as leech therapy
    • Interventional spinal pain therapy: various peridural injection procedures, PRT, cryodenervation of painful vertebral joints, etc.

    Disease patterns and therapy options around the spine

    Dr. med. Stefan Nolte

    Chief of

    Conservative Orthopedics

      Diagnosis of herniated disc - What now?

      Sciatica - recognize and treat sciatic pain

      What to do for lumbago?

      Our medical team

      Dr. med. Stefan Nolte

      Chief of

      Conservative Orthopedics

        Siarhei Yushkevich


        Conservative Orthopedics

          Contact & Appointment

          Claudia Schnitzler-Moos

          Secretariat Conservative Orthopedics

          If you have not found a date that suits you, please feel free to contact us by phone.

          Private outpatient clinic

          Phone +49 2351 945-2249
          Fax +49 2351 945-2253

          Office hours


          Monday, Friday
          8.00 - 12.00
          Appointments by appointment only

          Outpatient Clinic

          Phone +49 2351 945-2251
          Fax +49 2351 945-2253

          Office hours


          Monday - Wednesday
          8.00 - 16.00


          8.00 - 15.30


          8.00 - 14.30
          Appointments by appointment only

          Pre-inpatient admission

          Phone +49 2351 945-2115
          Fax +49 2351 945-2253

          At all other times, you will be helped in our Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic Phone +49 2351 945-0.

          Central Emergency Outpatient Clinic